Teatteri Metamorfoosi's half-mask series is done with respect for the Italian mask-making traditions.
High-quality handicraft leather masks are Laura Mäkelä's designs from the beloved commedia dell'arte types.
These masks are created for the needs of the professional level of acting. They have been tested in pedagogical and artistic situations and their dynamic and stylized form surely enable the actor's metamorphoses.
Laura Mäkelä is one of the founder members of Teatteri Metamorfoosin and she has graduated as a sculptor from Kankaanpää Art School in Finland in 2008. Mask making she has learned from the great masters such as Donato Sartori (2004) and later on she studied with Stefano Perocco di Meduna (Italy) and Etienne Champion (France).
Soile Mäkelä
(All rights reserved for changes by Teatteri Metamorfoosi)

Teatteri Metamorfoosi Arlecchino Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Pantalone Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Brighella Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Tartaglia Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

La Strega Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Il Capitano Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Pulcinella Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Il Capitano (2) Mask: Laura Mäkelä Photo: Soile Mäkelä

Il Dottore Mask: Laura Mäkelä