Espoo City Theatre 1.8.2020
In 2008, the fall of Lehman Brothers Bank triggered one of the most significant financial crisis of all time. And now, more than 10 years later, our lives are still affected by it on a daily base.
The play Lehman Trilogy, the fall of a bank written by Stefano Massini tells in a poetic and comical way the epic story of the Lehman family, who from being poor German immigrants built one of the most powerful economic empires. By following three generations of Lehman, the play shows us the evolution of modern capitalism, the rise of finance and the advent of mass consumption. It is the story of where we are and how we got here.
In one evening, three actors by narrating 164 years of contemporary history, from 1844 until 2008, will give a human face to the abstract term of the economy and will show how a dream became a monster eating itself.
The play has been performed in France, Italy, Germany, Spain and lately was created at The National Theatre in London and was performed in New York.
Working Group
Director: Davide Giovanzana
Suomennos: Elina Suolahti
Näyttämöllä: Jussi Lehtonen, Juha Sääski, Timo Torikka, Maija Ruuskanen
Sävellys ja äänisuunnittelu: Maija Ruuskanen
Sound design: Tommi KoskinenGiovanzana
Light design and technician: Pietu Pietiäinen
Video design and interview: Joona Petterson
Set design: Tinde Lappalainen
Producer: Luc Gérardin
Tuotanto Teatteri Metamorfoosi.
Tuotantoyhteistyössä Espoon Kaupunginteatteri, Tampereen Työväen Teatteri ja Suomen Kansallisteatteri