-Lecoq exercise
with Iika Hartikainen
21.–22.9. and 28.–29.9.2024
Professionals, students and devoted amateurs in the wide field of performing arts.
The 20 Movements is a tool for actor training developed and taught by Jacques Lecoq at his school in Paris.
The course covers twenty mime movement sequences, with which the performers can develop their basic skills of physical expression and prepare their bodies for movement base storytelling.
The 20 Movements is the art of creating (fictive/ poetic) spaces. The exercises develop the ability to understand the difference between everyday movement and a transformed (poetic) body. The starting point of the movements is a neutral state, (where it is possible to become aware of involuntary bodily comments).
The series develop the articulation of movement, spatial visualization and introduce fundamental movement dynamics and their narrative power.
Every movement has a particular technique and principle that can be worked endlessly; the quality of presence and technical skills can always be enhanced.
When the basic dynamics of the movements are understood it`s possible to apply them in character and discover endless story variations with different combinations.
The practice itself is playful and fun and gives the player the tools to continue independently. The short course is a learning process that happens in a group.
Iika Hartikainen works in professional mask and physical theater productions, mainly as a clown and musician.
Iika is a member of Teatteri Metamorfoosi and she has practiced the 20 Movements movement technique as part of e.g. courses led by Soile Mäkelä, Marc Gassot and Norman Taylor. As a creator of improv theater and a mime she became deeply interested in the exercises and in 2021 she improved her skills with Giovanni Fusetti in Italy.
Finnish or English depending of the need
Early Birds 199€ (the offer is valid until the15th of August)
Normal price 240€ (the last day of the payment will be the 6th of September)
21.–22.9. and 28.–29.9.2024
Daily 10-17:00 (including 1 h lunch pause)
Min. 8 person
Max 12 person
Teatteri Metamorfoosi / Point Fixe
Suvilahdenkatu 10 A 4th floor
00500 Helsinki
Metro: Kalasatama or Sörnäinen
(All the rights reserved for the changes for Teatteri Metamorfoosi)